Grass Roots Movements


Dec 14, 2023

Who are they? A loose-knit network of groups and individuals who share an understanding of ecological systems and a passion for regenerative design that nurtures the earth while providing for humankind.

What do they want? A sustainable future of earth stewardship in which we are all responsible for maintaining a sustainable biosphere.

The core tenets of permaculture include care for the earth, care for the people, and return of surplus production back into the system. In practice this involves maintaining a healthy environment – without which humans cannot flourish; providing access to the resources necessary for human survival; and ensuring that all would-be waste is transformed or recycled into something useful.

Who/what are they fighting? Permaculture is a piecemeal fight against a destructive social and environmental system of coercive political and corporate control. As more permaculture practitioners join the movement, the system is weakened and replaced with something more sustainable, in small steady steps.

How do they organise? The permaculture movement is about as decentralised as it gets, with most practitioners putting their time into practical action in their own communities, and most organized activities involving practical projects such as localized food production.

Success stories: Successes of the permaculture movement largely involve incorporation of its principles in other movements and organisations, such as the Transition Towns movement, and the food sovereignty movement.