Who are they? A diverse array of farmers, First Nations peoples, conservationists and urban residents.
What do they want? Clean, healthy land and water, and the right for their community to say no to destructive extractive industry.
Who/what are they fighting? The destruction of land, water and community by the coal-seam gas industry.
How do they organise? The anti-CSG movement is decentralized, but organisations have sprung up to assist in the form of networking, organizing, and advocacy hubs, such as Australia’s Lock the Gate Alliance.
Success stories: The anti-CSG movement has had hundreds of major wins, far too many to count – from Australia’s northern rivers declaration of freedom from CSG, the success of the Bentley Blockade in chasing frackers Metgasco out of town, to Poland’s year-long ‘Occupy Chevron’ blockade that forced the gas giant into retreat, to four countries officially outlawing fracking: France, Bulgaria, Germany and Scotland.